22 июня 2013

Review the proposal

Review the proposal

Получил предложение написать отзыв на "book proposal" известных людей для известного издательства.

From: "Lopolito, Sydnie (ELS-CON)"
Date: 18 июня 2013 г., 0:31:26 GMT+04:00
To: "maxim.arzumanyan@gmail.com"
Cc: "Dierna, Andrea (ELS-WAL)"
Subject: Regarding Request for Proposal Review


My name is Sydnie Lopolito, and I am a member of the editorial team at Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. I am reaching out to you today to see if you would be interested in reviewing a book proposal that was recently submitted by Professor Mark von Rosing and Henrik von Scheel. The topic of the proposed book is Business Process Management. The proposal is about 7 pages in length followed by 27 short answer questions. Your expertise would be very much appreciated as we try to determine if this book would be a good fit for our publishing program. If you can spare a few minutes to review and comment on the proposal, let me know and I will send it your way.


Sydnie Lopolito

Morgan Kaufmann

Imprints of Elsevier, Inc.

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