13 июля 2015

50 Ted Talks about education

50 Ted Talks about education

На информационном портале про образование informED появилась подборка пяти десятков видео-роликов в формате TED Talks про образование. В подборке оказались записи выступлений таких экспертов как: Salman Khan, Ken Robinson, Bill Gates, Daphne Koller и других. Смотреть видео.

«The communication explosion reaches its peak when you explore the endless avenues running through TED Talks. Moreover, the title educator embodies many forms within these talks.

So it’s precisely for this reason that any educator benefits from so many of these talks. Each speaker reveals his or her passion of a view or a subject with the enthusiasm of a first‐year teacher.

Using TED Talks to convey an important message or spark creativity might be more effective in teaching students than an individual agenda or preconceived notion of what should be said. Furthermore, TED Talks challenges educators everywhere to think differently and encourage the same in their students.

These are the best TED Talks for any educator because they make us laugh, warm our hearts, break down barriers, and always inspire us to dig a little deeper and push a little harder»

Cited From: https://plus.google.com/u/0/101796324413630088793#ixzz3fnyG3CW6

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