2 февраля 2014

Приглашение на LEAD The Way Conference - An EA Paradigm Shift

Приглашение на LEAD The Way Conference - An EA Paradigm Shift

Получил приглашение к участию на конференции LEAD The Way Conference 2014 - An EA Paradigm Shift

This conference is both agnostic and vendor neutral. The content is based on a collection of Best Practice and LEADing Practices, on years of university research and packed into reusable international standards. Aimed at empowering business and IT professionals  to structure a common way of thinking, working and modelling that enables them to innovate, transform and deliver value. Being neither analyst nor vendor led nor EA domain-centric, the conference provides diverse and wide-ranging perspectives on Layered Architecture, Enterprise Modelling, Enterprise Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, BPM, SOA and Value Modelling.

We offer a unique opportunity to discover the latest LEAD 3.0 integrated and standardized frameworks, methods, approaches, tools and templates. You will also discover a new way of thinking, working and modelling while at the same time learning from organizations that are applying LEADing Practices. This provides you with an excellent mix of vision, theory and implementation.

Spend time socializing and networking with peers from other companies and organizations to share ideas with and draw inspiration on how to tackle today’s most pressing challenges. The conference agenda is role-based and will make it easy for you to quickly find and select the sessions that address issues you are facing and people who can advise you on your journey.

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